The Palace Cafe (Themed Cafe)

 2013-05-04 12.58.54

Situated up a side street in Hongdae is the Palace Cafe. It’s quite an interesting Victorian themed cafe, filled with antiques and velvety furniture. I stopped by there one evening and enjoyed a really tasty Bailey’s coffee in a nice china teacup.
It’s quite large inside and it’s sort of like someone’s house as it is divided up into rooms both smoking and non-smoking. It’s has very low lighting and had soft music playing when I was there. Although the division into smaller rooms makes it seem  cramped, it still has a very intimate feel with a sense of privacy the way it is laid out.
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I recommend this cafe for couples or a group of girls who fancy some afternoon tea and chats.
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Getting there: 
Take Exit 9 at Honkik University. Take the next main left going uphill and cross over the road near the top of the hill and the map shows it’s exact location below. (It’s probably earlier to walk up to the next intersection and take a right as opposed to cutting through the lane ways unless you know where you’re going)
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